The Battle of Countertops: Granite vs Engineered Quartz

When it comes to kitchen countertops, granite and engineered quartz are two of the top contenders. Both bring their unique qualities to the table, but how do they stack up against each other?

The Majesty of Granite

Mother Nature's own marvel, granite, is a blend of quartz, feldspar, mica, and other minerals. As a purely natural stone, each slab of granite is an artwork in its own right, with no two slabs having the same pattern. The "Bianco Antico" granite, for instance, is known for its striking blend of white, black, and grey, creating an elegant yet distinctive look. However, it's important to note that granite is porous and requires sealing to prevent stains and wear. But fear not, all Stoneworx® granite surfaces come expertly sealed right from the factory, ensuring your countertop stays as beautiful as the day it was installed.

The Appeal of Engineered Quartz

Engineered Quartz, on the other hand, is a testament to human ingenuity. By combining natural quartz and resin, with a splash of colour for good measure, it creates a stone that's both sturdy and versatile. Take the "Piatra Grey" quartz, for example, its sleek dark grey surface flecked with delicate white veining, mimics the elegance of natural stone while offering consistent pattern and colour. Thanks to high-pressure compression, the result is a non-porous surface that's highly resistant to stains and damage, making engineered quartz a steadfast choice for any kitchen.

A Clash of Natural and Engineered

Granite is a testament to nature's artistry. Its inherent uniqueness makes each granite slab a one-of-a-kind addition to your kitchen. So, if you're a fan of unique patterns and natural charm, granite, with its "Bianco Antico" or "Black Pearl" variants, could be your choice.

Engineered Quartz, meanwhile, offers a balance of uniformity and customizability. With the ability to mimic other stones such as marble, it delivers consistency and a tailored look. If a specific, uniform look is what you're after, engineered quartz with options like "Piatra Grey" or "Calacatta Nuvo" might just be the right fit.

Putting Them to Work

Granite is a versatile player, suited to both indoor and outdoor applications. Be it kitchen or bathroom countertops, fireplaces, backsplashes, bar tops, or even outdoor kitchens for the summer season, granite has got you covered.

Engineered Quartz, while perfect for indoor applications like kitchen and bathroom countertops, doesn't fare as well outdoors. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the surface to fade, so it's best suited to indoor use.

The Question of Durability

Granite has earned its place as a favourite for modern kitchen countertops thanks to its durability and longevity. However, its porous nature means it can be prone to staining if spills aren't addressed promptly. But with proper care, granite countertops can last a lifetime.

Engineered Quartz, being non-porous, is less susceptible to staining than granite, making it a practical choice for busy kitchens. As for durability and longevity, engineered quartz is on par with granite, proving itself a worthy adversary.

Maintenance Matters

Granite countertops require regular cleaning with warm water and a clean, non-abrasive cloth. A neutral (pH balanced) cleaner can help remove dirt and grime. For a deeper clean, a multipurpose granite cleaner can be used.

Engineered Quartz surfaces, on the other hand, call for regular cleaning with warm water and soap. Immediate attention to spills is recommended to prevent stains, especially with spill-prone substances like coffee, wine, or tea. And while quartz surfaces are scratch and heat resistant, it's best to use cutting boards and trivets to avoid potential damage.

The Verdict

The choice between granite and engineered quartz for your kitchen countertops ultimately comes down to personal preference. Both materials offer long-lasting durability and their own unique aesthetic. If you're choosing for indoor surfaces, both are excellent choices. However, for outdoor applications, the natural resilience of granite to sunlight gives it the edge.

Whichever you choose, the experts at Stoneworx® are ready to assist you in bringing your kitchen project to life. Contact us today to get started.
